The Greenhouse
The Department of Biology maintains two greenhouses where plants are grown to support biological teaching and research. Small collections of ferns, amaryllis, bromeliads, cacti, miscellaneous succulents (including succulent euphorbias) and orchids complement the more prosaic teaching materials like begonias, coleus, impatiens and geraniums. Plants are grown with artificial fertilizers but without resort to toxic pesticides. The two greenhouse ranges constitute approximately 10,000 square feet under glass. Each unit adjoins a common headhouse (workshop).
Botanists in the department completed an inventory of the greenhouse collection in 1993 and since then, have updated it with some regularity. While the current inventory reflects the breadth and diversity of plants cultivated for botanical research and teaching, it is not, however, a full and accurate account of every plant in Richmond’s greenhouse. Students with an interest in botany are encouraged to consider taking on the inventory project as an experiential learning opportunity.