Student Presentations
Presentations made by students at scientific research conferences:
*denotes UR undergraduate student
Miyanji E, Corado-Santiago L*, Barrameda B*, and Skromne I. Detection of bone mineralization in larvae and adult zebrafish using Carbon nanodots. 2020 Mona Symposium. Kingston, Jamaica
Otalora-Luna, F., S. Faulkner*, S. Munro*, J. Dickens, R.J. Brinkerhoff, and A. Li. Seeing without eyes: effect of LED light on walking behavior of the black-legged tick, Ixodes scapularis. 9th Mid-Atlantic Tick Summit, Laurel, MD.
R. Ruf*, K. Nolin, and E. Wu. Abiotic polymerization of ribonucleotides on a mineral surface. Gordon Research Conference on Origins of Life, Galveston, Texas, January 2020 (Poster)
Streicher, J., Loader, S. Varela-Jaramillo*, A. Montoya, P., de Sá, R.O. 2020. Analysis of ultraconserved elements supports African origins of narrow-mouthed frogs. 9th World Congress of Herpetology, Dunedin, New Zealand.
Scheutzow, J.* and L.J Runyen-Janecky. 2019. To Grow or Not To Grow: The Question of Sodalis glossinidius in Response to Heme Stress. Oral presentation, Virginia Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Farmville, VA.
Amador, R. ** and L.J Runyen-Janecky. 2019. Regulation and Function of Sodalis glossinidius Genes in High Heme Environments. Poster presentation, Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students, Los Angeles, CA.
Annie L. Wang*, Anna Mann*, Walker P. Black*, Madeline M. Brown*, John T. Gupton, Krista Fischer-Stenger. Effects of polysubstituted pyrroles on pro-inflammatory signaling in RAW264.7 macrophages. American Society for Cell Biology Meeting, Washington, D.C.
Bustamante Eguiguren S*, KA Nolin, and CA Wu. Convergence of glandular trichome morphology and chemistry in two alpine monkeyflower species. Evolution 2019 International Conference, Providence, RI.
Chandler Barrett*, Ana Shimeall*, Ed Provencher, and B Daniel Pierce. Characterizing the interaction between phenols and the VirA Linker region of Agrobacterium. 40th Annual Crown Gall Conference. Columbia, MO.
Dressel E* and CA Wu. Physiological response of native and invasive Oplismenus to environmental variation. Evolution 2019 International Conference, Providence, RI.
Francy Cabrera Paz*, Annabelle H. Pham*, Elizabeth Gonye* and Krista Fischer-Stenger. Beta-adrenergic receptor signaling reduces pro-inflammatory signaling and promotes the M2 phenotype in the RAW264.7 macrophage cell line. American Society Cell Biology, Washington, D.C.
Nascimento*, F. A., de Sá, R. O. Diversidade morfológica em girinos da subfamília Leiuperinae (Anura, Leptodactylidae). 9th Congreso Brasileiro de Herpetologia, Campinas, Brazil
Nicole Walker*, Loreto Malinowski*, Aidan Murphy*, and B Daniel Pierce. The Effects of Signaling Molecules to Agrobacterium tumefaciens Tumorigenesis at Plant Wound Sites. 40th Annual Crown Gall Conference. Columbia, MO.
Perkins Z*, Huang C, and Skromne I. Initiation of Cdx family of spinal cord specification genees requires BMP and Nodal signaling activity. Annual Biomedical Reserach Conference for Minority Students. Anaheim, CA
Brinkerhoff, R.J. C. Clark*, K. Ocasio*, W. Hynes, D. Gauthier, M. Gulia-Nuss, and H. Gaff. Metagenomics and genomics of tick-borne disease in an area of geographic expansion. Third Siyacabanga on Ticks and Tick-borne Diseases, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa
Kwon, S*, and WJ Hayden. 2017. Floral anatomy and morphology of Acalypha setosa (Euphorbiaceae). Botany 2017 Annual Meeting, Fort Worth, TX
Sinnott, J.*, B. Heine*, and L.M. Boland. Investigating the effect of TREK activation by arachidonic acid. Annual Biomedical Research Conference for Minority Students
Small, H.E.*, A. Corbin-Leftwich*, C. Villalba-Galea, L.M. Boland. Using excitable oocytes to investigate the role of potassium channels in action potentials. Faculty for Undergraduate Neuroscience, Society for Neuroscience