Dr. Stacey Criswell
Journal Articles
Charlton JR, Baldelomar EJ, deRonde KA, Cathro HP, Charlton NP, Criswell SJ, Hyatt DM, Nam S, Pearl V, Bennett KM. (2020) Nephron loss detected by MRI following neonatal acute kidney injury in rabbits. Pediatr Res. Jun;87(7):1185-1192.
Du, Ting-ting, Dewey, J. B., Wagner, E. L., Cui, R., Heo, J., Park, J. J., Francis, S. P., Perez-Reyes, E., Guillot, S. J, Sherman, N. E., Xu, W., Oghalai, J. S., Kachar, B., Jung-Bum Shin. LMO7 deficiency reveals the significance of the cuticular plate for hearing function (2019). Nature Communications. 10(1):1117.
Morris, A., Erisir, A., Criswell, S., Kucenas, S. (2017) Transmission electron microscopy of zebrafish spinal motor nerve roots. Dev Dyn Jun 9.
Tong, Y., Park, S. H., Wu, D., Xu, W., Guillot, S. J., Jin, L., Li, X., Wang, Y., Lin, C., Fu, Z. (2017) An essential role of intestinal cell kinase in lung development linked to the perinatal lethality of human ECO Syndrome. FEBS Letters 591(9): 1247-1257.
Morin, N., Santiago, A. E., Ernst, R. K., Guillot, S. J., Nataro, J. P. (2013) Characterization of the AggR regulon in enteroaggregative Escherichia coli. Infect Immun. Jan 8 1(1): 122-32.
Griffin, J.W., Guillot, S. J., Redick, J. A., and Browne, J. A. (2012) Removed antibiotic impregnated cement spacers in two-stage revision joint arthroplasty do not show biofilm formation in vivo. J. Arthroplasty. Dec 27 (10): 1796-9.
Jayakumar, S., Guillot, S., Argo, C., Redick, J., and Caldwell, S. (2011) Ultrastructural findings in human nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Expert Rev Gastroenterol Hepatol. Apr 5 (2): 141-5