Dr. Eugene G. Maurakis
Dr. Maurakis is Research Scientist and Adjunct Professor at University of Richmond, Science Advisor for VPM (PBS), and Chief Scientist Emeritus of Science Museum of Virginia. Eugene is formally trained in evolutionary biology, biogeography, ichthyology, and environmental sciences. With over 70 peer reviewed publications, he publishes regularly and has been making natural history films since 1987. Currently, he is director for a NSF-funded documentary film on breeding behaviors and selfish herd theory of nest-building fishes.
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1998. Burkette, E. L., E. G. Maurakis, and J. N. Bodurtha. Improving public education in genetics: A new exhibition at the Science Museum of Virginia. Va. J. Sci. 49(2):80.
Journal Articles
In Review:
2024. Betts, M., E. Hultin, E. M. Hallerman, E. G. Maurakis, E. A. Frimpong. Host-orchestrated embryonic selfish herd dynamics motivate acceptance of brood parasitism in the gravel nest of a stream fish. Ecology of Freshwater Fish.
2024. Betts, M., D. C. Haak, E. M. Hallerman, E. G. Maurakis, E. A. Frimpong. Reciprocal predation of embryonic fishes expose selfishness of Nocomis parental care. Ecology of Freshwater Fish.
Published (77)
2024. Betts, M., E. Hultin, E. Hallerman, D. Haak, E. Maurakis, and E. Frimpong 2023. Bluehead chub Nocomis leptocephalus hosts exploit selfish-herd benefits from their heterospecific nest associates. Freshwater Biology. 69(3):450-459.
2020. Kwon, S. and E. G. Maurakis. Variables associated with wall temperatures of mural art in Richmond, VA. Virginia Journal of Science 71(1):1-17.
2018. Maurakis, G. E. and E. G. Maurakis. Microstructure of Attachment Mechanisms of Newly Hatched Larvae of Four Cyprinid Species with Comments on Terminology. Virginia Journal of Science 68(3):1-23.
2017. Tompkins, E. S. Faris, L. Hughes, E. Maurakis, E. J Lesnefsky, R. R. Rao, and S. Iyer. Arts, Science, Engineering and Medicine Collaborate Using STEAM-H Approaches to Educate Public on Bioenergetics. Research Reports, S.l. 1(1) Aug. 2017:1-11.
2017. Maurakis, D. E. and E. G. Maurakis. Effects of Vacuuming Pervious Concrete on Infiltration Rate. Virginia Journal of Science. 68(3):1-16.
2017. Hoffman, Jeremy S., E.G. Maurakis, V. Shandas, Summer in the City – Assessing and Communicating the Richmond, VA Urban Heat Island to the Public and Policymakers, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting 2017, New Orleans, LA, ED53J-06.
2016. Iyer, S., R. Rao, S. Farris, F. Heller, L. Hughes, R. Jamison, E. Lesnefsky, and E. G. Maurakis. Bioenergetics Education: Art Meets Gentle Science In Sickness And In Health. FAS Experimental Biology. 30(1) Supplement 884.1.
2013. Maurakis, E. G., D. V. Grimes, A. Schutt, and S. Short. Systematic ichthyofaunal surveys in urban and non-urban watersheds. Virginia Journal of Science. 64(3-4):133-149.
2012. Maurakis, E. G. and T. Janeski. Low-impact stormwater management at the Science Museum of Virginia. National Fish & Wildlife Foundation. NFWF/Legacy Grant Project ID: 0604.09.001454. 28 p.
2012. Sample, D. J, W. L. Lucas, T. V. Jameski, and E. G. Maurakis. Comparing green And gray infrastructure solutions to teducing combined sewer overflows for a catchment within the Shockoe Creek sewershed in Richmond, VA. Final report to Science Museum of Virginia. 58 p.
2010. Maurakis, E. G., G. E. Maurakis, and D. E. Maurakis. Functional feeding groups, species richness, and spatial distributions of fishes in rocky and sandy beach habitats of St. John, U.S. Virgin Islands. Virginia Journal of Science. 61(4):127-150.
2010. Maurakis, E. G., D. V. Grimes, A. Schutt, and S. Short. Baseline for Climate Change: Modeling Watershed Aquatic Biodiversity Relative to Environmental and Anthropogenic Factors. Final Report DE-FG02-08ER64625. US Dept. of Energy. 210 p.
2008. Maurakis, E. G. and P. G. Maurakis. The Labrys. University of Richmond Press. 246 p.
2008. Maurakis, E. G. and D. V. Grimes. New Records, Biogeography, and Habitat Protection Needs of Four Species of Potamon (Decapoda: Brachyura) in Greece. Va. J. Sci. 59(1):11-22.
2007. Witschey, W.R.T., Howell J. Parry, Jr., E. G. Maurakis, D. Hagan, M. Werner-Avidon, C. Howarth, D. Pohlman, and C. Dodsworth. Museums in Transition. Emerging technologies as tools for free-choice learning. Informal Learning Review (81):1-38.
2006. Maurakis, E.G. and E. Lord. Comparison of relief and castings of Queen Hatshepsut’s expedition to Punt, with new identifications of relief species. Va. J. Sci. 56(4):163-208.
2005. Maurakis, E.G. and D.V. Grimes. Assessment of Human Health Risks From Chemically Contaminated Lake Fishes In Greece. Va. J. Sci. 56(3):87-98.
2005. Maurakis, E.G. and D.V. Grimes. Fish Consumption Patterns of Populations in Vicinities of Lake Kastoria and Lake Pamvotis, Greece. Va. J. Sci. 56(3):67-86.
2004. Maurakis, E. G., W. R. T. Witschey, P. S. Economidis, and D. Bobori. Creating a geographical information system for freshwater crabs and fishes in Greece. Va. J. Sci. 54(3&4):139-150.
2004. Maurakis, E. G. and D. V. Grimes. Predicting species diversity in lotic freshwaters of Greece. Va. J. Sci. 54(3&4):151-168.
2004. Maurakis, E. G. and P. S. Economidis. Identification key to fishes in fresh waters of Greece. Va. J. Sci. 169-304.
2004. Eugene G. Maurakis, David V. Grimes, Lauren McGovern, and Peter J. Hogarth. Range extensions and effects of stream factors on distribution of Potamon species (Decapoda: Brachyura) in river drainages of Greece. BIOLOGIA. 59(2):173-179.
2004. Maurakis, E. G. and G. E. Maurakis. Nest-building and spawning behaviors in Nocomis effusus (Actinpoterygii: Cyprinidae). VA. J. Sci. Va. J. Sci. 55(3):115-123.
2003. Maurakis, E.G. and D.V. Grimes. Predicting species diversity in lotic freshwaters of Greece. Va. J. Sci. 54(3-4):151-168.
2003. Riley, V., E. Alford, and E. G. Maurakis. Hands-on science activities for BioLab at Science Museum of Virginia. Center for Science Education, SMV. 41 p.
2003. Maurakis, E.G. Outdoor play and learning – It’s good for your mind, body, and spirit. ASTC Dimensions. January-February, 2003. Association of Science Technology Centers: 14.
2003. Witschey, W.R.T, J. Parry and E.G. Maurakis. Belmont Bay Science Center. Science Museum of Virginia, Richmond VA. 20 p.
2002. Maurakis, E.G. Not just beauty but science too. In Structures of Nature: Photographs by Andreas Feininger. University of Richmond Museums. Richmond, VA. 72 p.
2002. Maurakis, Eugene G. and N. Elizabeth Schlatter. Structures of Nature: Photographs by ANDREAS FEININGER. Foreword by Richard Waller; 72 pp., 20 b&w plates. 4to, wraps. Richmond. University of Richmond Museums, 2002.
2001. Eugene G. Maurakis and Panos S. Economidis. Reconstructing Biogeographical Relationships of River Drainages in Peloponessos, Greece Using Distributions of Freshwater Cyprinid Fishes. BIOS (Macedonia, Greece) 6:125-132.
2001. Maurakis, E.G., P. S. Economidis and M. K. Pritchard. Hypotheses of historical relationships of river drainages in Greece and southern Balkans. BIOS (Macedonia, Greece) 6:109-124.
2001. Bobori, D., P. S. Economidis, and E. G. Maurakis. Freshwater fish habitat science and management in Greece. J. Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management. 4:381-391.
2001. Gretes, W. J. and E. G. Maurakis. Longitudinal Distributions of Fishes in River Drainages of Greece, With Comments on Assessing Fish Biodiversity in the Southern Balkan Peninsula. BIOS. 6:91-108.
2001. Maurakis, E.G., R. Katula, and W. Roston. Spawning behavior in Hemitremia flammea (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae). Va. J. Sci. 52(4):273-278.
2001. Maurakis, E. G. and D. V. Grimes. Effects of collection, transport, and redeployment methods on natural mortality of Rangia cuneata (Mactridae) used in biomonitoring studies. Va. J. Sci. 52(4):231-240.
2001. Maurakis, E. G. and T. Zorman. Comparison of spawning and non-spawning substrate material in nests of Nocomis and Exoglossum. Va. J. Sci. 52(1):25-34.
2000. Sabaj, M. H. E. G. Maurakis, and W. S. Woolcott. Breeding Behaviors in Nocomis leptocephalus and Nocomis micropogon, with descriptions of newly identified behaviors. Am. Midl. Nat. 144:187-201.
2000. Zorman, T. and E. G. Maurakis. Comparison of larval myomeres among four species of Nocomis in Virginia. Va. J. Sci. 51(1):17-22.
1999. Maurakis, E. G. Quantitative Analysis of Movement: Measuring and Modeling Population Redistribution in Animals and Plants. Book Review. Bull. Assoc. SE Biol. 63(3):227-228.
1999. Maurakis, E. G. and D. L. Lipscomb. Historical Relationships of Atlantic Slope River Drainages. Appalachian Biogeography. Va. J. Sci. . 50(1):3-11.
1999. Maurakis, E.G. Breeding behaviors in Nocomis platyrhynchus and Nocomis raneyi (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) Va. J. Sci. 49(4):227-236.
1998. Goodin, J. T., E. G. Maurakis, W. S. Woolcott, and E.S. Perry. Species Recognition for Percina nevisense Cope (Pisces: Percidae). Va. J. Sci. 49(3):183-194.
1998. Maurakis, E. G. and W. Roston. Spawning Behavior in Nocomis asper (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae). Va. J. Sci. 49(3):199-202.
1998. Maurakis, E. G., W. S. Woolcott, and M. H. Sabaj. Heterogeneric Spawning Between Campostoma a. anomalum and Nocomis l. leptocephalus (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae). Va. J. Sci.49(3):195-198.
1998. Newman, M. C. and E. G. Maurakis. Breeding Behavior in Notropis alborus. Va. J. Sci. 49(3):163-172.
1997. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Description of Agonistic Behavior in Two Species of Nocomis (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Va. J. Sci. 48(3):195-202.
1997. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Nocturnal Breeding Activities in Nocomis leptocephalus (Bluehead chub) and Nocomis micropogon (River chub) (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Journal of the Elisha Mitchill Society. 112(3):119-120.
1997. Maurakis, P. L. and E. G. Maurakis. Family Heritage Cookbook. Dances With Chubs Productions. Copyright, 1997.
1996. Maurakis, E. G. New records and range extensions of fishes in freshwater streams in Greece. BIOS 3:45-49.
1996. McGuire, W. R., W. S. Woolcott, and E. G. Maurakis. Histomorphology of the External and internal Mandibular and Cheek Epidermis in Four Species of North American Nest-Building Minnows (Pisces:Cyprinidae). Bull. Assoc. SE Biologists. 43(2):37-43.
1996. Maurakis, P. L. and E. G. Maurakis. Fisherman’s Brag Book. Dances With Chubs Productions. Richmond, VA. 89 p.
1996. Maurakis, E. G. and L. Mathews. Science Museum develops new exhibition on biological timing. RAMifications. Richmond Academy of Medicine IX(10):8.
1996. Blatt, E. L. and E. G. Maurakis. The science behind the Science Museum of Virginia. OnTrack. II(1):3.
1996. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. An Update of Raney’s 1950 Account of Freshwater Fishes of the James River Basin. Va. J. Sci. 46(4):235-247.
1996. Maurakis, E. G. Abstracts of Papers from the Symposium on Status of the Chesapeake Bay. Va. J. Sci. 46(4): 259-265.
1995. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Techniques of Videotaping Fishes From Above the Surface of the Water. Proceedings Southeast. Council Fishes. 31:4-6.
1995. Maurakis, E. G., W. S. Woolcott, and M. H. Sabaj. Nocturnal Reproductive Behaviors in Semotilus atromaculatus (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Proceedings Southeast. Council Fishes. 31:1-3.
1995. Maurakis, E. G. Book Review: Cooperation and Conflict in General Evolutionary Processes. Bull. Assoc. Se Biologists. 42(3):225.
1995. Maurakis, E. G. Book Review: Conservation. Bull. Assoc. SE Biologists. 42(4):234-235.
1995. Maurakis, E. G. Book Review: The Student Handbook for Fishfarm: A Simulation of Commercial Aquaculture. Bull. Assoc. SE biologists. 42(1):31-32.
1993. Maurakis, E. G. Naturalist Diary©. Dances With Chubs Productions, Richmond, VA.
1993. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Spawning in Luxilus albeolus and Luxilus cerasinus (Cyprinidae). Va. J. Sci. 44(3):275-278.
1993. Maurakis, E. G. Book Reviews. Perspectives on Animal Behavior. Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biol. 40(4):221-222.
1993. Maurakis, E. G., M. H. Sabaj and W. S. Woolcott. Pebble Nest-Construction and Spawning Behaviors in Semotilus thoreauianus (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biol. 40(2):27-30.
1992. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. 1992. Spawning in the fallfish, Semotilus corporalis. Va. Journal Sci. 43(4):377-380.
1992. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. An Intergeneric Cyprinid Hybrid, Phoxinus oreas x Semotilus atromaculatus, From the James River Drainage, Virginia. Copeia 1992(2):548-553.
1992. Maurakis, E. G., W. S. Woolcott, and M. H. Sabaj. 1991. Water Currents in Spawning Areas of Pebble Nests of Nocomis leptocephalus. Proc. Southeast. Council Fishes 25:1-3.
1992. Maurakis, E. G., W. S. Woolcott, G. P. Radice, and W. R. McGuire. A Comparison of Myomere Numbers in Larvae of Three Nocomis Species. Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biologists. 39(1):1-8.
1991. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Reproductive-Behavioral Phylogenetics of Nocomis Species-Groups. American Midland Naturalist 126(1):103-110.
1991. Maurakis, E. G. Holdings of the University of Richmond Fish Collection. Proc. Southeast. Council Fishes 24:20.
1991. Maurakis, E. G., W. S. Woolcott, and M. H. Sabaj. Nest Construction and Spawning Behavior of Exoglossum species. Bull. Alabama Museum Natural History 10:11-16.
1990. Maurakis, E. G., W. S. Woolcott, and J. T. Magee. Pebble-Nest microhabitats of Semotilus species. Proc. Southeast. Council Fishes. 22: 7-13.
1988. Woolcott, W. S. and E. G. Maurakis. A clarification of the concept of nest building among cyprinid minnows. Proc. Southeast. Council Fishes. (18): 4-6.
1988. Woolcott, W. S. and E. G. Maurakis. Pit-ridge nest construction and spawning behaviors of Semotilus lumbee (Snelson and Suttkus) and Semotilus thoreauianus (Jordan), Cyprinidae. Proc. Southeast. Council Fishes. (18): 1-3.
1987. Maurakis, E. G., W. S. Woolcott and R. E. Jenkins. Physiographic analysis of longitudinal distributions of fishes in the Rappahannock River, Virginia. Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biologists 34 (1): 1-14.
1984. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Seasonal nearshore distributions of fishes in a thermally enriched stream. Virginia J. Sci. 35(1): 5-21.
1980. Burkhead, N. M., R. E. Jenkins and E. G. Maurakis. New records, distribution and diagnostic characters of Virginia ictalurid catfishes with an adnexed adipose fin. Brimleyana (4): 75-93.
Full Length Video Documentaries (14)
2021. E. G. Maurakis. Rock Stars. Dances with Chubs Productions©2021. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pz6uJQ4YVn4&t=2s
2020. E. G. Maurakis and T. Rhodes. Plastic Oceans. Dances with Chubs Productions©2020. https://youtu.be/ebj2eI-YwcY
2016. Conti, R. C., E. G. Maurakis, J. Hoffman, and J. Bartel. 2018. Cosmic Climate Cookbook. Science Museum of Virginia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4RITlxWjQJI
2013. Sanan, K., R. C. Conti, E. G. Maurakis, and D. Hagan. B0D1E5. Science Museum of Virginia. Sana Media. www.sanan.com.
2013. Maurakis, E. G., E. Burnett, and A. Burton. The Way Forward – Understanding our Ecological Place. University of Richmond. 26-min. Copyright, 2012. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7TIS9uD55EI
2012. Maurakis, E. G. So Many Plants – So Little Time. University of Richmond, 26-min. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CNHJ1m9FOQ8
2009. Maurakis, E. G. and G. E. Maurakis. A Day in the Bush with Ital: Exploring Afro-West Indian native ethnobotany in the Virgin Islands. Maurakis Publishers. Copyright, 2009.
2007. Maurakis, E.G. and D. V. Grimes. Lost Crab-Lost Culture: Reflections of environmental and cultural changes in Greece. 13:55 min. University of Richmond and Science Museum of Virginia. Copyright 2007. http://vimeopro.com/imotionstudios/lostcrablostculture
1992. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Phylogenetic Systematics: A Two-Part Video on Concepts and Application. 25-min. Dances with Chubs Productions. Copyright, 1992.
1990. Sabaj, M. H., W. S. Woolcott, and E. G. Maurakis. Predatory Behaviors of Nerodia s. sipedon. 70th Annual meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Program & Abstracts. p 154. 10-min. Dances with Chubs. Copyright, 1990.
1989. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Reproductive Behavior of the Creek Chub, Semotilus atromaculatus. 70th Annual Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Program & Abstracts. p. 125. 15-min. Dances with Chubs. Copyright, 1989. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jV5EnaPK6zc
1989. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Spawning Behavior of Campostoma anomalum. 14-min. Dances with Chubs. Copyright, 1989.
1989. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Pebble-Nest Building by Cyprinid Minnows in North America. 10-min. Dances with Chubs. Copyright, 1989.
1989. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Were They Accurate? A Comparison Between Journal Accounts and Video Recordings of Reproductive Behaviors of Cyprinid Minnows. 14-min. Dances with Chubs. Copyright, 1989.
1988. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Spawning Nest of the Bluehead Chub. 13-min. Dances with Chubs. Copyright 1988. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z21QGB7etS0
1986. Maurakis, E. G., J. B. Kahnke, and J. Hinmon. Nocomis-The Spawning Fish. 14-min. Dances with Chubs. Copyright, 1988.
Short Video Documentaries (66)
A total of 66 1-1.5 minute videos on various aspects of climate change & climate resilience
Selected Abstracts and Presentations:
2024. Malachowski, J., Z. Perkins, M. Richards, L. Cummins, O. Beatty, K. Hall, J. Solano, C. Carpenter-Swanson, E. Maurakis, I. Skromne. The Bluehead Chub, a novel freshwater minnow model to study embryonic development in native environments for Eco-Devo studies. Developmental Biology.
2018. Hoffman, J.S., E.G. Maurakis, V. Shandas, J. Voelkel, J. Salamy, T. Lookingbill, A. Zatcoff, K. Norrell, G. Harnsberger, and S.S. Fong. Assessing and communicating the Richmond, VA area urban heat island effect to the public and policymakers. Virginia Academy of Science Annual Meeting, May, 2018, p.60.
2017. Maurakis, E.G. and T.M. Orrell. Phylogenetic relationships of Nocomis and Exoglossum species (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae) based on morphology, behavior, and genetics. Virginia Academy of Science annual meeting. Virginia Commonwealth University.
2017. Maurakis, E.G. Interpreting science through the arts and humanities. Virginia Academy of Science annual meeting. Virginia Commonwealth University.
2017. Hoffman, J.S., E.G. Maurakis, and R. Conti. Climate connections in Virginia: Your Actions Matter. Virginia Academy of Science annual meeting. Virginia Commonwealth University.
2017. Dahlberg, R.A. and E.G. Maurakis. Creative change: Art, music and climate science. Virginia Academy of Science annual meeting. Virginia Commonwealth University.
2017. Collie, R., J.S. Hoffman, E.G. Maurakis, and J.M. Scanlon. Characterizing 30 years of tree, mold, and grass pollen data from Richmond, VA. Virginia Academy of Science annual meeting. Virginia Commonwealth University.
2016. Maurakis, E. G. and R. C. Conti. Climate connections: Your actions matter. Virginia Academy of Science annual meeting. Mary Washington University.
2015. Iyer, S., S. Faris, R. R. Rao, E. Maurakis, E. J. Lesnefsky, and R. Jamison. Arts and engineering produce exhibits to promote mitochondrial health. United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation Symposium.
2015. Iyer, S., S. Faris, R. R. Rao, E. Maurakis, E. J. Lesnefsky, and R. Jamison. Bioenergetics: Arts meets gentle science in sickness and in health. International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and Mitochondrial Physiology Society Meeting. Obergurgl, Tyrol, Austria.
2015. Boles, J. and E. G. Maurakis. Science on a Sphere®: An ethics learning tool. Virginia Academy of Science annual meeting, James Madison University. 40.
2014. Brigle, N. and E. G. Maurakis. Modeling water flow through gravel nests using electrical circuitry analysis. Va. J. Sci. annual meeting, May, 2014.
2014. C. Mills, E. G. Maurakis, R. Conti, and D. B. Hagan. Speed: A new exhibition at the Science Museum of Virginia. Va. Acad. Sci. annual meeting, May, 2014.
2013. Burnett, E., A., Burton, and E. G> Maurakis. The Way Forward – Understanding our Ecological Place. Va. Acad. Sci. annual meeting, May, 2013.
2013. A. S. Burton, E. G. Maurakis, and D. V. Grimes. Environmental issues and American attitudes. Va. Acad. Sci. annual meeting, May, 2013.
2013. Abinette, S. H. and E. G. Maurakis. Stormwater mitigation choices by the general public. Va. Acad. Sci. annual meeting, May, 2013.
2012. Maurakis, E. G. So many plants – So little time. Va. Acad. Sci. annual meeting, May, 2012.
2012. Maurakis, E. G., R. Conti, and D. Hagan. The improving grounds exhibition. Va. Acad. Sci. annual meeting, May, 2012.
2011. Maurakis, E. G., D. V. Grimes, A. Schutt, and S. Short. Modeling Fish Species Diversity in Lower Piedmont Streams. Va. Acad. Sci. annual meeting, May, 2011.
2011. Maurakis, E. G., R. Conti, E. Alford, and D. Olli. Science On a Sphere ® at the Science Museum of Virginia. Va. Acad. Sci.
2011. Maurakis, E. G., E. Alford, R. Conti, E. Voelkel, R. Shires, and D. Smith. Application of 21st Century Learning and Innovation Skills at the Science Museum of Virginia. Va. Acad. Sci.
2009. Maurakis, E. G. Environmental Ethics and You. Jepson School-Athens Summer Leadership Institute, University of Richmond.
2009. Maurakis, E. G., S. Schultz, and D. V. Grimes. Baseline for climate change: Modeling fish species diversity in watersheds. Va. J. Sci. 60(2):89.
2009. Maurakis, E. G. Species Richness and Spatial Distributions of Fishes at Nearshore Habitats, St. John Virgin Islands. Va. J. Sci. 60(2):101.
2009. Maurakis, E. G. and D. V. Grimes. Lost Crab-Lost Culture: Environmental and Cultural Changes Related to the Freshwater Crab, Potamon in Greece. Va. J. Sci. 60(2):89.
2009. Grimes, D. V. and E. G. Maurakis. GIS GAP Analysis of Freshwater Aquatic Resources (FAR) and Freshwater Protected Areas (FPA) in Greece. Va. J. Sci. 60(2):90.
2005. Maurakis, E.G. and D. V. Grimes. Assessment of human health risks associated with chemically contaminated fishes. International Congress of Environmental Epidemiology and International Congress of Exposure Analysis Conference, September 2005, George Washington University, Washington DC.
2005. Maurakis, E. G. and D. V. Grimes. Gap analysis of freshwater faunas and protected areas in Greece. Va. J. Sci. 56(1):30.
2005. Betts, E. and E. G. Maurakis. Virginia’s biodiversity: a series of hands-on activities for elementary students. Va. J. Sci. 56(1):
2004. Maurakis, E. G. Fish consumption patterns of populations in vicinities of Lake Kastoria and Lake Pamvotis, Greece. Va. J. Sci. 55(1&2):46.
2004. Maurakis, E. G. Assessment of human health risks from chemically contaminated lake fishes in Greece. Va. J. Sci. 55(1&2):46.
2004. Haubenstock, J. and E. G. Maurakis. Phylogenetic relationships and biogeography of Cobitis (Bicanestrinia) species in the southern Balkan Peninsula. Va. J. Sci. 55(1&2):63.
2004. McGuire, W.R. and E. G. Maurakis. Cephalic skin morphology of tuberculate male Semotilus atromaculatus. Va. J. Sci. 55(1&2):63.
2004. Harview, C. and E. G. Maurakis. Comparison of populations of Leuciscus cephalus in Greece. Va. J. Sci. 55(1&2):62.
2004. Maurakis, E.G. and A. Haryati. Developing exhibitions and programs for the Belmont Bay Science Center. Annual Meeting of Virginia Academy of Science. Va. J. Sci. 55(1&2):43.
2003. Maurakis, E.G., W. R. T. Witschey, and P. Economidis. A geographical information system for fishes and crabs in freshwaters of Greece. Annual Meeting of Virginia Academy of Science. Va. J. Sci. 54(2):89.
2003. Maurakis, E.G. and D.V. Grimes. Predicting species diversity in lotic freshwaters of Greece. Annual Meeting of Virginia Academy of Science. Va. J. Sci. 54(2):101.
2003. Riley, V., E. Alford, and E. G. Maurakis. Hands-on science activities for BioLab at Science Museum of Virginia. Center for Science Education, Annual Meeting of Virginia Academy of Science. VA. J. Sci. 54(2):86-87.
2003. Maurakis, E. G., David V. Grimes, Lauren McGovern, and Peter J. Hogarth. Range extensions and effects of stream factors on distribution of Potamon species (Decapoda: Brachyura) in river drainages of Greece. Annual Meeting of Virginia Academy of Science. Va. J. Sci. 54(2):100.
2003. Lord, E. and E. G. Maurakis. Comparison of relief and castings of Queen Hatshepsut’s expedition to Punt, with new identifications of relief species. Va. J. Sci. 54(2):62.
2001. Eugene G. Maurakis and Panos S. Economidis. Reconstructing Biogeographical Relationships of River Drainages in Peloponessos, Greece Using Distributions of Freshwater Cyprinid Fishes. European Congress of Ichthyology, Prague. 40.
2001. Maurakis, E.G., P. S. Economidis and M. K. Pritchard. Hypotheses of historical relationships of river drainages in Greece and southern Balkans. European Congress of Ichthyology, Prague. Proceedings. 40.
2001. Gretes, W. J. and E. G. Maurakis. Longitudinal Distributions of Fishes in River Drainages of Greece, With Comments on Assessing Fish Biodiversity in the Southern Balkan Peninsula. European Congress of Ichthyology, Prague. Proceedings. 93.
2000. Maurakis, E. G. Bioethics 2000 and Life Sciences: Programs, Resources, and Exhibitions. Annual meeting of VAS. Va. J. Sci. 51(2):108.
2000. Hamm, A., T. Zorman Green, and E. G. Maurakis. Bioscape: VA SOL Tours in Science Museum’s New Exhibition Galleries. Annual meeting of VAS. Va. J. Sci. 51(2):109.
2000. Maurakis, E. G. and D. V. Grimes. Methodology development for use of Wedge Clam (Rangia cuneata) in Biomonitoring Studies.Annual meeting of VAS. Va. J. Sci. 51(2):108.
2000. T. Zorman Green and E. G. Maurakis. Comparison of spawning and non-spawning substrates in nests of species of Exoglossum and Nocomis. Annual meeting of VAS. Va. J. Sci. 51(2):127.
2000. E. G. Maurakis, M. K. Pritchard and P. S. Economidis. Historical Relationships of River Drainages in Greece. Annual meeting of VAS. Va. J. Sci. 51(2):131.
1999. Zorman, T. and E.G. Maurakis. Comparison of larval myomere counts among Nocomis species in Virginia. Va. J. Sci. 50(2):171.
1999. Goodin, J. T., E. G. Maurakis, W. S. Woolcott and E.S. Perry. Species Recognition for Percina nevisense Cope (Pisces: Percidae). Va. J. Sci. 50(2):168.
1999. Bioethics 2000. Bioethics Programs at Science Museum of Virginia. Va. J. Sci. 50(2):131.
1999. Goodin, J. T., E. G. Maurakis W. S. Woolcott and E.S. Perry. Species Recognition for Percina nevisense Cope (Pisces: Percidae). Bull. Assoc. SE Biologists.
1999. Newman, M. L. and E. G. Maurakis. Breeding behaviors in Notropis alborus (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae). Bull. Assoc. SE Biologists.
1998. Maurakis, E.G., W. S. Woolcott, and M.H. Sabaj. Heterogeneric Spawning between Campostoma a. anomalum and Nocomis l. leptocephalus. (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae): V. J. Sci. 49(2):108.
1998. Newman, M. L. and E. G. Maurakis. Breeding behaviors in Notropis alborus (Actinopterygii: Cyprinidae). Va. J. Sci. 49(2):108.
1998. Burkette, E. L., E. G. Maurakis, and J. N. Bodurtha. Improving public education in genetics: A new exhibition at the Science Museum of Virginia. Va. J. Sci. 49(2):80.
1998. Maurakis, E. G. Teacher Curriculum Guides in Nutrition, Food Safety, and Biodiversity. Va. J. Sci. 39(2):81.
1997. Maurakis, E. G. and D. L. Lipscomb. Phylogenetic Relationships of Atlantic Slope River Drainages. Association Southeast. Biologists. 44(2):90.
1997. McGuire, W. R., E. G. Maurakis, and W. S. Woolcott. Cephalic skin morphology of tuberculate male Semotilus atromaculatus. Association Southeast. Biologists. 44(2):146.
1997. Maurakis, E. G. Aquariums as Classroom Laboratories. Va. J. Sci. 48(3):43.
1997. Young, L. A. and E. G. Maurakis. Interactive Learning About Biological Timing. Va. J. Sci. 48(3):43.
1997. Wells, D., E. G. Maurakis, and J. Bodurtha. Genetics in the Classroom: Development of a Teacher’s Guide on Human Genetics. Va. J. Sci. 48(3):43.
1996. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. An Update of Raney’s 1950 Account of Freshwater Fishes of the James River Basin. Va. J. Sci. 46(4):235-247.
1995. Maurakis, E. G. and D. L. Lipscomb. Phylogenetic Relationships of Atlantic Slope River Drainages. Symposium on Appalachian Biogeography. VPI & State University, Blacksburg, VA. 9-10.
1995. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Techniques of Videotaping Fishes From above the Surface of the Water. VA. J. Sci. 46(2):146.
1995. Blatt, B., E. G. Maurakis, and W. Witschey. Spreading the Word: Development of the Danville Science Center. VA. J. Sci. 46(2):118.
1995. Maurakis, E. G., E. Blatt, D. D. Hilke, J. Moser, and R. Shannon. Science as a Process in Exhibitry and Programming. Association Science & Technology Centers. San Diego, CA. 40.
1995. Maurakis, E. G., W. Witschey, and D. B. Hagan. Development of Community and Regional Science Centers, Programs, and Collaborations. Association of Science & Technology Centers. San Diego, CA. 12.
1994. Maurakis, E. G. and W. Roberts. Aquatic Science and Aquaculture Initiative at Saint Paul's College. Bull. Association Southeast. Biologists. 41(2):85.
1994. Maurakis, E. G., W. S. Woolcott, and W. R. McGuire. Nocturnal Reproductive Behaviors in Semotilus atromaculatus. Bull. Association Southeast. Biologists. 41(2):116-117.
1993. McGuire, W. R., W. S. Woolcott and E. G. Maurakis. Relation of Epidermal Morphology to Breeding Behavior in Cyprinid Fishes. Bull. Association Southeast. Biologists. 40(2):124.
1993. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Agonistic Behavior in Nocomis Species: A Test of the Dear Enemy Phenomenon and Cooperative Defense Coaitions. Bull. Association Southeast. Biologists. 40 (2):132.
1992. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. A Cladistic Analysis of Video-Taped Reproductive Behaviors of Nocomis Species-Groups (Pisces: Cyprinidae). 11 th Annual Meeting of Willi Hennig Society. Paris, France XI: 50
1992. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Phylogenetic Systematics: A Two-Part Video on Concepts and Application. 11th Annual Meeting of Willi Hennig Society. Paris, France XI: 77.
1992. Maurakis, E. G., W. S. Woolcott, G. P. Radice, and W. R. McGuire. Myomere Counts in Three Species of Nocomis (Pisces: Cyprinidae). 72nd Annual Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. 72: 138.
1992. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Phylogenetic Systematics: A Two-Part Video on Concepts and Application. 72nd Annual Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. 72: 138.
1992. Sabaj, M. H., W. S. Woolcott, and E. G. Maurakis. Illustrated Review of Spawning Behavior in the Eastern Blacknose Dace, Rhinichthys atratulus atratulus (Hermann). 72nd Annual Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Univ. Illinois, Urbana-Champaign. 72: 160.
1992. Maurakis, E. G., W. S. Woolcott. An Intergeneric Cyprinid Hybrid, Phoxinusoreas x Semotilus atromaculatus, from the James River Drainage, Virginia. Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biologists 39(2):80.
1992. Sabaj, M. H., E. G. Maurakis and W. S. Woolcott. Water Currents in Spawning Areas of Pebble Nests of Nocomis leptocephalus (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biologists 39(2):79-80.
1991. Maurakis, E. G. Phylogenetic Systematics of Cyprinoidei and Definition of Subfamily Leuciscinae (Ostariophysi:Cyprinidae) Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biologists 38(2): 112.
1991. Maurakis, E. G., W. S. Woolcott and M. H. Sabaj. Reproductive Behavioral Phylogenetics of Nocomis Species Groups. Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biologists 38 (2):82.
1991. McGuire, W. R., W. S. Woolcott, and E. G. Maurakis. Epidermal Structure in Spawning Male Pebble Nest-Building Cyprinid Fishes. Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biologists 38(2):90.
1991. Sabaj, M. H., E. G. Maurakis and W. S. Woolcott. Reproductive Behavior in Exoglossum Species. Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biologists 38(2):82.
1990. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Reproductive Behavior of the Creek Chub, Semotilus atromaculatus. 70th Annual Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Programs and Abstracts: 125.
1990. Sabaj. M. H., E. G. Maurakis, and W. S. Woolcott. Aquatic Predatory Behaviors of the Northern Water Snake, Nerodia s. sipedon. 70th Annual Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Programs and Abstracts: 154.
1989. Woolcott, W. S., T. P. Orrell, and E. G. Maurakis. A Phylogenetic Analysis of the Osteological Relationships of Species in Percina (Alvodrius). 69th Annual Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Program & Abstracts. p. 163.
1989. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Phylogeny of Pebble-Nest Building Cyprinids Based on Reproductive Behaviors. 69th Annual Meet. Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Program & Abstracts:116.
1989. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Videography in Studies of Reproductive Behaviors of Cyprinid Minnows. 69th Annual Meeting Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Program & Abstracts. p. 116.
1989. Doyle, S. A., E. G. Maurakis and W. S. Woolcott. Pebble nest microhabitats of two Nocomis spp. Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biologists. 36 (2): 93.
1989. Maurakis, E. G., J. T. MaGee and W. S. Woolcott. Pebble nest microhabitats of Semotilus spp. Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biologists 36 (2): 93.
1987. Maurakis, E. G. and J. B. Kahnke. Construction of spawning nests by two recently described or redescribed chub species from southeastern United States. Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biologists 34 (2):86.
1986. Maurakis, E. G., R. G. Otto and E. S. Perry. Effects of temperature on fish distribution and electrofishing efficiency. Proceedings of Edison Electric Institute Biology Workshop. St. Louis, Mo. XII.
1986, Maurakis, E. G. and J. J. Loos. Spawning of Hybopsis rubrifrons and Notropis lutipinnis over nests of Nocomis leptocephalus (Pisces: Cyprinidae). Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biologists 33(2):85.
1985. Maurakis, E. G. and J. J. Loos. Nest building and spawning of Semotilus lumbee (Pisces:Cyprinidae). Bull. Assoc. Southeast.Biologists 31 (2): 34.
1977. Maurakis, E. G. and W. S. Woolcott. Seasonal distributional patterns of fishes in the James River, Virginia (Osteichthys). Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biologists 24(1).
1975. Maurakis, E. G., W. S. Woolcott and W. L. Kirk. The diet of smallmouth bass, Micropterus dolomieui, from the James River, Virginia. Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biologists 22(2): 88.
1974. Maurakis, E. G., W. S. Woolcott and W. L. Kirk. The effects of a thermal discharge on algal populations of a Piedmont section of the James River, Virginia. Bull. Assoc. Southeast. Biologists 21(2): 91.
Selected Books/Technical Reports:
2001. Quality Assurance Procedures for Submitting Grant Proposals. Science Museum of Virginia and Science Museum of Virginia Foundation.
2000. Teacher Resource Curriculum Guide in Environmental Biology. Science Museum of Virginia and University of Richmond.
2000. Teacher Resource Curriculum Guide in Environmental Ethics. Science Museum of Virginia and University of Richmond.
1999. Teacher Resource Curriculum Guide in Cells. Science Museum of Virginia.
1999. Primer in Organ Donation and Transplantation. Science Museum of Virginia.
1999. Teacher Resource Curriculum Guide in Biological Timing. Science Museum of Virginia.
1999. Teacher Resource Curriculum Guide in the Human Circulatory System. Science Museum of Virginia.
1999. Teacher Resource Curriculum Guide in the Human Respiratory System. Science Museum of Virginia.
1999. Teacher Resource Curriculum Guide in the Human Digestive System. Science Museum of Virginia.
1999. Teacher Resource Curriculum Guide in Bioethics of Organ Transplantation with accompanying video. Science Museum of Virginia.
1998. Teacher Resource Curriculum Guide in Nutrition. Science Museum of Virginia.
1998. Teacher Resource Curriculum Guide in Food Safety. Science Museum of Virginia.
1997. Teacher Resource Curriculum Guide in Biodiversity. Science Museum of Virginia.
1997. Teacher Resource Curriculum Guide in Genetics. Science Museum of Virginia.
1996. Quality Assurance for Exhibition Development. Science Museum of Virginia.
1996. Teacher Guide: Aquariums as classroom laboratories. Science Museum of Virginia. Richmond, VA.
1996. Guide to freshwater fishes of the James River, Virginia. Science Museum of Virginia. Richmond, VA.
1996. Color and Learn: Freshwater fishes of the James River. Science Museum of Virginia. Richmond, VA.
1993. Envirogenesis Quality Assurance Manual. Envirogenesis Corporation, Springfield, VA.
1993. Bioremediation Study Design for Field Studies of the Efficacy of Liquid Grease Biodigest in a Grease and Septic System at Hartman's II, Belfast, PA. Envirogenesis Corporation, Springfield, VA.
1993. Bioremediation Study Design for Field Studies of the Efficacy of Liquid Thatch Biodigest in Turf Control of Lignin Thatch Accumulation. Envirogenesis Corporation, Springfield, VA.
1979-1988. Long Term Fisheries Monitoring in the Potomac River in vicinity of the Dickerson Station. Annual reports for Potomac Electric Power Company, Washington, DC.
1979-1988. Long Term Aquatic Monitoring Studies in the Patuxent River in vicinity of Chalk Point Station. Annual reports for Potomac Electric Power Company, Washington, DC.
1979-1980. Abundance and biomass of marketable and non-marketable bluecrabs (Callinectes sapidus) in the Potomac River in vicinity of Morgantown Power Station. Annual reports for Potomac Electric Power Company, Washington, DC.
1979-1980. Growth of the American oyster (Crassostrea virginica) in the Potomac River in vicinity of Morgantown Power Station. Annual reports for Potomac Electric Power Station, Washington, DC.
1974. Algal Populations. In W. S. Woolcott. (Prin. Investigator). The effects of thermal loading by the Bremo Power Station on a Piedmont section of the James River, Virginia. Virginia Institute for Scientific Research. Technical Report for Virginia Electric Power Company. Vol. I and II.
Fine Arts (5)
2020. E. G. Maurakis. Seascape of the 21st Century. Gallery5, Richmond, VA.
2019. E. G. Maurakis and S. Kwon. See the Heat. Art Gallery at Science Museum of Virginia.
2018-2019. E. G. Maurakis. Nest-building Fishes – Fantastic Fauna. 8 oil paintings, 8 sculptures, and 8 videos of representatives of cyprinid nest-building fishes. Art Gallery at Science Museum of Virginia, March, 2018-January, 2019.
2018. E. G. Maurakis. The Great Big Everything, oil painting. Gallery 5. Tribute to Carl Sagan. November, 2018.
2017. E. G. Maurakis. Change of Heart, Change of Mind. 12 oil paintings of Greek gods interpreting the human to environment relationship. Art Gallery, Science Museum of Virginia, March-May, 2017.
2017. E. G. Maurakis. A Coral Reef Dance, Creative Change Event, Science Museum of Virginia, March 2017.
2016. E. G. Maurakis. Let the Fishes Speak. 25 oil paintings of Mediterranean, North American, and Caribbean fishes related to loss of ichthyofaunal biodiversity. Art Gallery, Science Museum of Virginia, May-October, 2016.
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